![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu1.gif) | Organization Development and Change
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Assist in developing strategies for organization change and
development |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Develop plans for organization change or development |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Develop and link business, strategic and human resource plans
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu1.gif) | Data Collection, Analysis and Action Planning
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Develop models and measures and plan data collection projects targeted
at organization issues |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Collect data using surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc. |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Analyze data using existing and custom designed software |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Feedback results, interpret collaboratively with organization
management, and support results-based action planning |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu1.gif) | Human Resource and Management Systems
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Conduct job analysis/develop job descriptions |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Design, develop and implement organizational management systems |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu1.gif) | Organization and Job Design
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) |
Design/redesign organization structure to meet changed
or new needs |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) |
Design/redesign jobs in light of changed organization
goals or function |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) |
Facilitate transition to new organization structure
roles, responsibilities and working relationships |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu1.gif) | Leadership Development
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Executive coaching |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Develop processes to identify management potential |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Design succession plans |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Develop executive education plans |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu1.gif) | Training Design, Development and Delivery
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Conduct training needs analysis |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Design and develop customized training modules |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Train in-house trainers and/or conduct training |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Evaluate effectiveness/modify design |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu1.gif) | Team Building
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Design and conduct team building workshops |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Develop new work teams and facilitate group process |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Educate groups to process considerations |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Resolve conflicts and manage the richness of diversity |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu1.gif) | Corporate Climate and Culture
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Design, distribute and analyze customized client surveys |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Design analysis of existing organization climate survey data to inform
the business strategy, e.g., impact of climate on health care costs |
![bullet](_themes/lcasmallbutton/abstrbu2.gif) | Use climate and culture data to inform action planning and
organization strategy |